2003-01-31 - 3:02 p.m. -

friday & i�m still behind. so much for the weekend.

still swamped at work. making headway but still playing catch-up & starting to get both nervous & tired. well into the overtime at this point & i still have to work tomorrow. (i have an open lab in the morning. weee.) add this to everything that is on the plate already & you can see why i�m frying at the edges. what i would not give for a few days off to just sleep & relax. perhaps in a few weeks when all of this is over.

on the plus side of things my taxes are done. (& for free) if you did not make a lot last year you can file online for free & it rocks. last year we got our refund in less than a week. check out the IRS website to see if you can file for free too. it will save you a lot of headaches. the free program i used (via TurboTax) does all the math for you. you just punch in the raw numbers & it does the rest. got both the state & federal done in less than half an hour. yeah, sometimes things do work right.

looking forward to a quiet night tonight. going to drink a lot of coffee & watch some movies (no trash TV tonight). got Chicken Run & Go Fish. i�ve see both of them already, but it has been a while. may even get some painting done if i have the energy. we�ll see.

i�m getting worried about my friends. seems like everyone is having a hard time of it right now. perhaps it has to do with the switch from the year of the horse to the year of the sheep. the horse is a high-energy sign & the sheep is a calming, introspective sign & they tend to conflict. lets hope that the calming kicks in soon. (God, that sounds so New Age crunchy.) i�m thinking about you guys. take care of yourselves. the craziness will pass soon. believe. please believe.

there is so much more i want to talk about but time is very short right now. in two weeks this will all be done with & i�ll have my life back again. (at least until the next show)

take care of yourselves.
don�t let the assholes get you down.
see you monday (if not before)
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 6 mugs
Cigarettes: 9
Candy: lots of M&Ms
Now Playing: none
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�Joke �em if they can�t take a fuck, OK?�
-Robin Williams
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this one is on the mark for the most part�



Learning is your most prized value. You don't give
in to the latest trends, or worry about what
others think. You want to work hard so you can
be as successful as your potential allows.

What type of person are you?
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�but then there is THIS one�
You're A Hero!

You live to save the world! You are honest, true,
and always victorious! You may not always get
the girls/boys, but all you really want to do
is battle the bad guys.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
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�& i don�t even know where THIS came from�
You're a scary movie. You thrive from apprehension
and noises in the dark.

What type of movie are you?
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like i�ve said before� i don�t ask, i just take them.