2003-04-02 - 3:52 p.m. -

ok, before you do anything else, go to this website.

it just boggles the mind what our parents did 30 years ago in the name of �nutrition�. it also makes me wonder what they will be saying about what we eat in 30 years. (ohmyGawd� they ate steak & eggs� how gross.)
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went to the doctors this morning & yes, my ears are congested. (but i knew that.) walked out with a lot more pills than i planned. got pills for the infection in my ears, syrup for the cough & sore throat� & 8 weeks worth of wellbutrin that i�ll be starting when i get back from chicago.

not what i expected when i went in, that is for sure.

he asked me about my smoking, that led to talking about stress, & that led to me starting on wellbutrin to help me quit smoking & to see if it helps my mood. he also mentioned the dreaded E word� exercise. (gasp!) i mentioned that i was thinking of taking up yoga & he thought it was a great idea. (then again, he thought that my working in the yard would be good for my mental state, but he gardens too so he may be a bit biased)

tomorrow i leave for chicago & as it gets closer i find myself looking forward to the drive. i�m starting to get excited about the trip out & back, the relaxation of being behind the wheel, music & coffee & miles of highway, hum of wheels smoothing out the knots in my back, the chance to just be me� if only for a few hours between here & there.

it is nice to be looking forward to something again.

i�m hoping that this feeling takes hold again. i feel like i�m starting to shake the gloom, but i also keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. feeling good, but also a bit gun-shy. i think that is to be expected. all i can do is wait & see what happens.

tonight, baby duty & laundry.
see if i can�t get my stuff ready for tomorrow so i�m not rushing around at the last second & end up forgetting something. (that would be a first)

more tomorrow.
be well.
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Today�s Stats Coffee Count: 4 mugs
Cigarettes: 8
Candy: some Smints
Now Playing: Tony Bennett �MTV Unplugged�
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�Don�t cut off your nose yourself.�
-Casey Stengel