2003-04-14 - 1:51 a.m. -

this weekend has been interesting to say the least.
a lot of things that have been building up finally came crashing down & the weekend has been spent in a blur of activity.

watching someone you love get hurt sucks & it is made worse knowing that there is nothing you can do to help them. part of me wants to be able to take all the hurt away & make things better, part of me (the selfish part) wants to just beat the living shit out of the person who caused the hurt. (i won�t kill them� just make them wish i had) the most i can do now is be supportive & let things take their course & that is frustrating but life can be that way sometimes. besides, this is not about me. i can deal with my feelings in my own time. there are people more important that need my support & so i give it without restriction. i would become Atlas if i thought it would help. (lower back pain be damned)

in contrast to the rest of the weekend, today was outstanding. the opening went very well & i sold four paintings. who would of thunk it? i paint because i like to paint, but it is nice when someone likes what i do enough to buy it. i feel that way when someone spends $5 on one of my chapbooks & i feel that way when someone spends $75 on one of my paintings. yes, i need validation sometimes. after the gig last week, this was just the boost i needed.

the reading tonight kicked ass. no other way to put it. great energy in the room, lots of friendly faces & people who bring out the best in what i do. i felt like i could just let loose tonight & it has been a long time since i felt like i could do that. there are a few people who come to the reading who, just by being in the room, make me feel better. becky, lauren, dave, gary, melissa� i see them smile & i feel like i�m on top of the world, like for one moment i�m doing something right.

nights like tonight are the reason i keep doing what i do. i never want to stop being grateful for what i have. nights like tonight remind me that, even when life gets hard, i still am blessed with friends, family, & people who love me, warts & all.


i just had to put my son back to bed. he has the crud & has been running a temp off & on all day. i had to leave before his bedtime tonight, so he asked me to sing him his bedtime song now� Wilber the Rat�

my name is Wilber, i�m a rat
don�t expect me to be much more than that
under your floorboards, in your walls
I write graffiti, i smoke Paul Malls

here is a story of you�
i never wanted a child. i was going to be the crazy cat guy who never had kids but who had 20 cats. i have no tolerance for children & didn�t want to be tied down raising one of my own. i knew that i would be a bad parent & did not want to screw up another life. next thing i know i�m in the delivery room while they perform an emergency c-section & there are three thoughts running through my head�
1. let my wife be OK
2. let the baby be OK
3. what have i gotten myself into?

he was delivered & rushed to a heating bed to be checked. there was a long time before he started to move & cry� a very tense few minutes when even the doctors looked nervous. then, he took a deep breath, his color changed from blue to pink, & he let out a full cry. you could hear the sighs as we all realized that he was fine. a few minutes later the nurse brought him over to me & placed him in my arms. now, up until that moment i�m still saying to myself �ohmyGod i can�t do this what am i doing ohmyGodohmyGod�. then i looked into his eyes for the first time. everything grew very quiet. there was a calmness that filled me... a calmness that i had never known before. i understood what enlightenment must be like & as i looked into his eyes only one thought was left in my head�

i would die for you.

50 years from now, when i am old & nearing my final breath, i will remember that look in his eyes & pass in peace.


that is enough for one night.
it is very late & i need sleep.
more tomorrow night.
be well


hey everyone�
daily mouse is playing at moonstruck coffeehouse on friday night. you NEED to be at this show or you will regret it forever. go to the daily mouse website for all the info. squeak.