2003-04-24 - 2:41 p.m. -

so, april�s random surrealism generator & mine are having a very strange conversation. the comment from her generator today was:

�I'd spend a lot of money on Jackie Chan, but I haven't got a Tellytubby.�

it must mean something. what is it trying to say to us? alas, i am vexed. (or something like that) well, you know what the Dadaists say, �into each life a little soup is good fish.�


gary rocks my world. (or at least makes my diary look cool). but if he says one more thing about papercuts i�ll have to strip him naked, paint him purple, strap a viking helmet to his head & drop him in Times Sq.

i�m serous man� i�ll do it too.


thinking about it a bit�

i bet it is not a good idea to threaten the person who has html access to your online diary.

i guess this is one of those �life lessons� my dad tried to tell me about all those years ago. too bad i was baked out of my gourd at the time.


going to try to head down to the reading in providence tonight. had a fun time last night at Speak (despite the heavy theme) & i need to start getting out to readings again. been feeling removed from the scene for the past few months & i think it is time i got back into circulation. besides, i love the drive down & back with the CD player going & a cup of coffee. something very calming & refreshing about that trip down 146 that never grows old for me.


cut my hair the other night. it amazes me just how much better i feel when i buzz the sides of my head. makes me feel like a new man. (or the old man with short hair) should have done this before goth night, could have gone for that robert smith look. oh well, next time.


think i�ll head out from work early today. just don�t feel like sitting here the rest of the day & damnit, i have personal time i can use. think i�ll call it a �mental health break� & go for a drive.

more later.
be well.