2003-05-27 - 2:53 p.m. -

ohmyGod� i don�t believe it�

ok, i�ll calm down now.


so, it is raining baby birds at work today. no. i�m not kidding. the building i work in has lots of places for birds to nest & nest they do.

well, i guess today is �learn to fly� day because little baby birds with tufts of down on their heads have been dropping like snowflakes around the building all day. i just went outside to rescue one from the planter, only to find five more trying to take flight. & they all have the same look on their faces as they flutter down to a not-so-soft landing in the parking lot�.

ohshitohhsitohshit iiiieeeeeeee!!

it has been raining here for about a week. i bet the mother birds just want the babies out of their hair for a few hours. can�t you see the momma bird now�

�yeah yeah kids, time to learn how to fly� there you go� yeah yeah, go on, i�ll see you tonight. give momma bird a break, ok kids? good! now, fly along� MOVE IT!!�

the next shot is of baby birds getting tossed out of the nest & momma bird sitting back with a beer & a smoke thinking, �empty nest syndrome my feathered ass. give me peace & quiet�.

ah, the wonders of nature.


i�ll stop there for today.
night out tonight. not much planned other than coffee & bad folk music, but right now that sounds just fine to me.

more tomorrow.
be well.