2003-06-11 - 1:37 p.m. -

It's the life that lies sleeping
When you think you're awake
Forever is real
And the rest is just fake
And though volumes are written
On this subject alone
She used three simple words
And she brought it all home

Wake up, wake up, wake up, she said
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up dead

-Arlo Guthrie, Wake Up Dead


the migraine yesterday really threw me for a loop. still shaky & a bit off today. i described it to a co-worker as feeling like i were walking barefoot on a big sheet of glass� just moving very slowly, afraid that something might shatter if i step wrong.

had a quiet night last night. sat at the Hut, talked with some friends, sipped some coffee, & just moved as little as i could. looking forward to doing the same thing on thursday. there are times i need that space to just do nothing except relax & talk. don�t feel like i get that enough� that i spend too much time being �on� to really have a chance to just sit & talk with people. i�m trying to change that.


So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf of
Good health and good time
Tattoos of memories
And dead skin on trial
For what it�s worth
It was worth all the while

It�s something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life

-Green Day, Good Riddance


night of painting & poetry tonight. on baby duty & have a friend coming over early to work on some editing, then curling up with a new canvas & some ideas based on Where The Wild Things Are. hoping that, by putting joy in my paintings, it will bring joy to me. don�t know if it will work, but it can�t hurt.

there is a simple grace in sitting alone at night creating something with my hands. it may not be joy per se, but it is a peace & grace that fills the soul & often that is enough.

perhaps life is simply a search for grace in it�s many forms. it is often easy to see in others, but so very hard to see in ourselves. perhaps Tao is just the unmasking of grace inside. perhaps love is just grace manifest.

perhaps i think too much.

hope you all have a good day.
more tomorrow.

be well