2003-07-11 - 12:03 p.m. -

oh my GOD!!!
you HAVE to go to this site right now!! i'm speachless... i'm amazed... i can't stop laughing. ok, now head on over to this little story. (insert bush joke here)

quick entry today. have to go scavenge at an old mill.

there is an old die factory in Worcester that is to be torn down in a few weeks. they opened up the doors today just so artists could scavenge through. the place is huge (3 floors, size of 2 football fields side by side) & packed floor to ceiling with old dies, molds, & stray factory stuff. spent an hour going through & realized that i would need a truck. so, i�m leaving work early, going to get a truck, & going on a spree. don�t know what i�ll do with the stuff, but that can come later.

quiet night planned tonight. have some friends coming over for games & silliness. looking forward to relaxing & enjoying myself. God, i could use it.

started my new yoga workout last night & paying for it this morning. i know it will get easer as time goes by, but i�m stiff today. i am one with my inner pretzel today. ah, such is the price of not staying in shape.

more over the weekend.
hope you all have a good weekend & go to see the Worcester team at the moonstruck caf� in charlton on saturday night.

be well.