2003-09-03 - 3:36 p.m. -

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei


random memory�

late 80s� i am singing for a local punk band. we were loud & righteous & intense. we had personal songs & political songs & songs about the scene & some covers by bands like black flag & naked ray gun. we sang & shouted & moshed & dove from the stage & jumped & did the best we could to tear the roof off every time we played. we were amazing.

we also sucked.

we were off-key & could not keep time & missed cues & forgot fills & lines & chords & were one of the worst bands ever to take the stage. the funny thing is� no one cared. people came to our shows & had a good time. we had a good time. i would sing & shout until i had no voice left. we would play & push ourselves as far as we could go & the audience would egg us on & take the ride with us.

most of the bands from that period of time were just as bad as we were & we loved seeing them just as much as they loved seeing us. we supported each other & went to go see each other & pushed each other to do wonderful things. none of us were ever going to get famous & we knew it & didn�t care. we were living in the moment� we were reveling in what we had at hand & working it for all we could. we sang & moshed & talked & fucked & read & hung-out & existed on coffee & cigarettes & cheep take-out & friendship.

we were all poor & starving & for every good time there were 100 crappy times, but the bad times fade like a wheat-pasted flyer on a streetlight. the memories don�t get better with age, we just get more selective.

there are some things i choose to remember, if only to remind myself of what i was once upon a time� if only to remind myself what i am capable of.


hope you all have a good night.
more tomorrow.

be well.