2003-09-10 - 2:59 p.m. -

wednesday & the week just keeps dragging on.

looking forward toward a night of doing nothing except relaxing. if i get adventurous i may do some laundry, but other than that i plan on being very lazy. there are times i enjoy being on baby duty & this is one of them.

sometimes we all need a day or two of being lazy.


tomorrow is the second anniversary of 9/11. so far the paranoia & twitchiness of the public has been kept to a minimum. lets hope it stays that way. last thing anyone needs is another day of seeing the same video clips replayed over & over yet again.

if you want to remember the �lessons� of 9/11 then live each day like it could be your last & enjoy each moment. if we could get everyone to do that it would be a better tribute than any memorial they could build.

just a thought.


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thanks to gary for the info.


not much else to say today. time to get back to work.

hope you all have a good night.
more later.

be well.


i�m wondering if this is a good thing�

You should invite Death to dinner. Why? She's cool,
mellow, fun to talk to, and she'll teach you a
thing or two about life. Remember though, she
is Death, so if she shows up uninvited....well,
it was nice knowing you.

Which of the Endless Should You Invite to Dinner?
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