2003-10-21 - 2:07 p.m. -

You can observe a lot just by watching.
-Yogi Berra
so, lets start with the news story of the day.

for some strange reason i have a deep affection for niagara falls. it calls me like a siren�s song. on one visit i hopped the railing & stuck my head in the falls. (i think lia still gets chest pains just thinking about it) it was the same falls that this guy went over. i know the area where he is standing & know where the tourist stood to get the picture.

i see the falls as a cleansing place for me. it is a place where i can go to clear my head & purify my soul. there have been times when i was tempted to jump in & let the falls carry me over the edge. not in a �i want to die� way, but in a full body baptism way. i would love to feel what it is like to slip over the edge of the falls, to feel the drop down to the river below, to feel the roar in my bones.

i wonder is that was what this guy was doing. if the siren�s song of the falls was just too much for him to resist.

we all have those holy places. we all have those locations that are sacred ground to us for one reason or another. we have the places we call home & then there are the places our souls call home. the places we don�t live, but need to visit every now & then so that we can live. that is what niagara is to me. the place my soul goes to recharge so that my spirit can live. if you listen closely, you can hear the falls between each beat of my heart.
so much to ramble about & no time to do it. still finishing up the exhibit & time is short to get the last of the work done. hoping next week will be calmer.

hope you all have a good evening. i�ll post more tomorrow.

be well.
You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.
-Yogi Berra