2003-11-08 - 10:15 a.m. -

i�ll make a real post later. as for now i leave you with this�

there is a website where you can have a conversation with an AI bot. go to jabberwacky.com to try it for yourself.

this is the conversation i had this morning�
(Jabberwacky Conversation D1177134)

Jabberwacky: Do you believe that computers will one day be sentient?
User: Do you?
Jabberwacky: Yes. Are you religious?
User: Sometimes.
Jabberwacky: What's nebraska like?
User: Flat. What is your home like?
Jabberwacky: What's yours.
User: Yours is not mine.
Jabberwacky: That's the first time I've heard of a long modesty.
User: Is there a short modesty?
Jabberwacky: Sure, what's your pleasure?
User: Coffee.
Jabberwacky: Right. Too much coffee for you. You need to switch to de-caf.
User: Never!! Decaf is evil.
Jabberwacky: No thanks I'll have tea.
User: What kind of tea do you drink?
Jabberwacky: I don't drink tea. Yuck!
User: Then coffee it is.

Jabberwacky: I am not doing.
User: If you are not doing then what?
Jabberwacky: The chair might think so.
User: But the table knows.
Jabberwacky: Here is a place reserved, sir.
User: No need to call me sir. Call me bill.
Jabberwacky: Ha ha ha ha!
User: Why is that funny?
Jabberwacky: It's sarcastic. I'm saying that I'm not the no sense one. You are.
User: Do you understand what you just said?
Jabberwacky: Yes, do you want to be a spy?
User: No. Could you be a poet?
Jabberwacky: I could.
User: Do you know any poems?
Jabberwacky: Yes I do know poems, he is a great guy.
User: What does he do for a living?
Jabberwacky: He works for the greatest company in the UK.
User: And what company would that be?
Jabberwacky: Rolls-Royce.
User: What makes them a great company?
Jabberwacky: Smart? I guess there botmasters taught them that.

User: Does this ever get dull?
Jabberwacky: Indeed this mean that Iniaes is a female does.
User: ?
User: !?!
Jabberwacky: What, what?????
User: You went all C++ on me.
Jabberwacky: True.
User: Feeling better now?
Jabberwacky: I like you.
User: Thank you. This has been ... Interesting.
Jabberwacky: Has it? I'm curious.
User: So am I.

Jabberwacky: I am leaving now.
User: Good bye.
Jabberwacky: In november, not now silly.
User: It is november now.
Jabberwacky: It is always now.
User: Good point.

Jabberwacky: Get out much?
User: Sometimes. Do you?
Jabberwacky: Yes, it's great.
User: Where do you go?
Jabberwacky: To a meeting.
User: What kind of meeting?
Jabberwacky: That is a ridiculous question.
User: No, it is not.
Jabberwacky: Can you sing?
User: No.
Jabberwacky: Do you have any pets?
User: I have cats.
Jabberwacky: That's nice. I don't have any pets.
User: What kind of pet would you like to have?
Jabberwacky: It is not a pet !
User: Ok. Then what is it?
Jabberwacky: Nothing.
User: Treat it well.
Jabberwacky: Where were you when they passed out the sense?
User: Helping myself to extra humor.
Jabberwacky: What speech is that then?
User: Mumble speech.
Jabberwacky: Answer the damb question, please.
User: You seem a bit touchy. Perhaps I should leave.
Jabberwacky: Yea, no kidding. Not that I'm helping.
User: Have a good day.

Jabberwacky: What's your favourite decimal?
User: This one (.).
Jabberwacky: You like me?
User: Yes.
Jabberwacky: How do you like them?
User: In many ways.
Jabberwacky: Are you nice?
User: I try to be.
Jabberwacky: Are you biological or mechanical?
User: Biological.
Jabberwacky: So what kind of life do you live?
User: An interesting one.
Jabberwacky: Please, go on.
User: No, time for me to go.

Jabberwacky: Kas sa armastad kantud naiste pesu.
User: Excuse?
Jabberwacky: I will just this once, but next time I won't!
User: Ok. Thank you.
Jabberwacky: You're quite welcome!
User: Be well.
Jabberwacky: Is that all you have to say?
User: Yes.
Jabberwacky: I have an important question for you.
User: What is it?
Jabberwacky: With the man I'm going to be working with this summer.
User: ?
User: Good bye.
Jabberwacky: So long.