2004-01-05 - 4:03 p.m. -

i was in the slam to choose the iWPS rep for worcester last night. it was something i had thought about doing if for no other reason than to see if i could jump-start myself poetically. i wanted to get the energy flowing again & being in a slam is a good way for me to do that. so, i put myself in the fray & slammed.

the slam was tough. the nine other poets were good to great & at any given moment, any one of four or five people could have taken it. the energy was very high & the strange time format had everyone on their toes. when all was said & done, i had won by less than a point. i was surprised & humbled & honored & happy with myself. it was a hard fought slam, one that involved an even mix of skill, strategy, luck & talent. by the time i left last night i was exhausted but felt like i had done well. for the first time in a while i was excited about my poetry. i felt like i had reconnected with my words. winning was not something i had expected, so it was an added bonus when it happened.

welcome to act two, where our protagonist finds that happiness is fleeting & his win comes at a cost.

i could go on a piss fest right now but i won�t. lets just say that i slammed last night for me & me alone & i don�t care if that sounds selfish. when i was up there last night in the last round & i had less than 60 seconds to say what i had to say i felt very alive. i was in the moment & i wanted to put everything i had into the few words i was about to speak. i didn�t give two shits about the scores or the standings or the strategy or anything else� all i cared about was getting those words out in the very best way i could so that the audience would understand all the emotion that was behind them. i took a deep breath & spoke from a place deep within myself� spoke as if my life depended on it� spoke my truth & claimed my words as my own.

that moment was what i was looking for & i felt blessed that i had found it.

what to know why i slammed last night?
that is why i slammed last night. to remind myself that i can find that moment &, perhaps, even feel blessed every now & then.

hope you all have a good night.
more later.

be well.