2004-05-16 - 1:14 a.m. -

so, here is the story�

this morning i sat down at the computer & wrote a very pissy entry. i ranted & raved & bitched & vented about the week.

now, not being the most tactful person in the world (but knowing that i�m not the most tactful person in the world) i let the entry sit on my desktop for the day. i do this quite often, especially when it comes to emails. most of the time i write a blistering email, let it sit for a while, then go back & tone it down. (more people should try this) i find that i can still make my point, but i burn fewer bridges in the process.

so i sat back down a little while ago & reread what i had written this morning. then i deleted the whole thing.

see, i spent this afternoon working in the garden. i pulled weeds, spread mulch & watered. my son helped me for most of it. (or as much as a five-year-old can help & as most parents know, if a young child is �helping� you with something, plan on it taking twice as long to finish) then early tonight i went to the coffeehouse for a quick coffee, chatted for a while about everything & nothing, then came home to relax while S goes to get the knots taken out of her back. (we�re hoping she�ll look less like a pretzel & more like a person when the massage is done) i just finished eating a very tasty rice bowl & there is a nice breeze wafting in through the open window.

this was not how i planed to spend the evening, yet i think this is what was meant to happen. something in the universe decided that i needed to be by myself tonight to sit, reflect on the day & think about how things changed from when i woke up until now. i�ve been stressed far beyond normal the past few weeks & it has made me a bit cranky. i know that i�ve been moody & short-tempered & yet felt powerless to bring it under control. this has not made me the easiest person to be around & (knowing this) i�ve been laying low & trying not to piss too many people off.

& yet, right now, i feel very relaxed.

i can�t say if it was working in the garden or chatting at the coffeehouse or the quiet time tonight. perhaps it is all of it. all i know is that i�m very peaceful right now & i would rather dwell on that than anything else going on in my life at the moment.

& to be able to say that feels very good.

quickly changing topics�
i�ll be in little rock the 24-26 of this month taking down an exhibit. anybody know of any poetry events in the city i could catch? looking for something to do other than sitting in the hotel watching M.A.S.H reruns.

time for me to feed the cats & call it a night.

hope you all have a good weekend.

be well.