2001-12-10 - 3:27 p.m. -

back to the battle.
is there a way to outlaw monday�s?

found out one of my poems about �world�s worst rapper�
is on a hip-hop web site & getting a good response.
kinda cool. kinda strange.

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did a reading last night with a bunch of folk singers,
some of whom i haven�t seen in 10 years.
talk about �kinda cool kinda strange�.

the only difference between a folk singer & a poet is the guitar.
(& a folk singer has a slim chance of making money)

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snowed this weekend.
always brings out the worst in me.
had a headache most of the weekend.
cold & snow do this to me.
i think i just hate the dark & cold so much that when
winter gets here my body fights it. like it thinks it
has a chance in hell of stopping it.

i love new england but i hate the winters.
ain�t that a pisser.

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finger update
they are doing better. just waiting for the pinky to
finish healing. oh well.

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too tired to think straight.
need coffee

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Today�s Stats:
Coffee Count: 5 mugs
Cigarettes: 7
Candy: 4 x-mass mints
Now Playing: Donald Fagen �Kamakiriad�

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�Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?
I�m halfway through my fish burger and I realize,
Oh my goodness� I could be eating a slow learner.�

-Lynda Montgomery