2001-12-12 - 10:58 p.m. -

day one in FLA
what a long strange trip.

some helpful hints when going on vacation:
*try to get more than 2 hours sleep the night before
*go to the airport naked
(will save you time at the security checkpoints)
*bring food. the airlines don't feed you anymore
*be thankful that the M.P.s are keeping you safe
from things like lighters& nail clipers
*don't make a fuss
*pretend you are a sheep

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it struck me as only slightly stupid that
we were run through 3 metal detectors before
getting on the plane but i could have
gone to the other side of the airport and
shot the fuel tanks without anyone
seeing me.

they want the apperance of safety
without realy making us safer.
making us safer would cost money

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it is late & i am tired.
more tomorow.
be well

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Today's Stats
Coffee Count:9 mugs
Cigarettes: 14
Candy: none
Now Playing: the sound of my son snoring in the next room