2001-12-15 - 12:25 a.m. -

oh boy, where to start
lets see� ah yes, the graduation

my brother-in-law graduated from UCF today. (happy happy joy joy)
it had to be one of the strangest yet most entertaining
things i have seen in a long time.

let�s begin with the national anthem. (o say can you see blah blah)
they had someone singing it.
not well but not badly

until she screwed up the words.

yep. she messed up the words to the star spangled banner.
now, you would think that if you are asked
to sing a song in front of 4,000 people that you would
take the time to learn the words.
you would think that, given the state of the country right now,
you would make sure that you knew the words to the national anthem.
you would think it. you would be wrong.
she blew it big time.

thus setting the tone for the rest of the day.

let us move on to the graduation.
if you have ever been to a college graduation you
know how it went. now add the fact that every
speaker plugged the alumni association. every one of them.
it was like watching a live infomercial.
they all kept going on & on about becoming an alumni member.
this on top of the 100+ signs in the parking lot
plugging the alumni association. I am not exaggerating.
i was getting embarrassed for them. are they that
hard up for cash? the head of the alumni
assoiation was one of the keynote speakers.
you would think that the parents had paid enough
to the school already. but noooo.

then came the diplomas�
God help us all.

there were about 400 student graduating.
this was just the business school.
they had the students line up at the stage, hand a
card with their name to a reader who
anounced them over the PA as they got their diplomas,
this should have been straight forward.

then we remember what happened with the singing.

they must have found the whitest girl in the whole school
to read the names. it was a quest to see
just how badly she could screw up.
aisan, african, middle eastern, spanish, european.
you name it, she blew it� & badly
there were some that she took 3 tries at before
the final mumble.
the icing on the cake was when she screwed up Virginia
& pronounced it "Vagina".
i�m sure it was a proud moment for her parents.

and lets not even start talking about the party afterwards.
lets just say watching an 82-year-old
woman beat up a defenseless table is not how
i pictured spending my afternoon.
(the table never saw it coming)

so, how are things where you are?
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 22 mugs (not a typo)
Cigarettes: 28
Now Playing: the pounding in my head
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"Who�s broad stripes and bright stars� um..
ah�um� and the rocket�s red glare."
-Amanda Cady, Vocalist