2002-01-08 - 3:36 p.m. -

i have a site tracker.
it gives me just enough information to be interesting
but not enough to really answer any questions.
i find this both cool & strange.

i know people who have diaries & obsess over
how many hits they get per day.
i don�t really care.
(there is always a �but��)
i am also very intrigued as to why anyone is
interested in what i have to say.
i feel the same way about my poetry a lot
of the time. why?

this started when i noticed that i was getting visits
from someone in the middle of Asia.
now to me that�s damn cool.
then it was the person with the navy URL.
then the hits from Alaska.
i started playing the guessing game.
�who do i know in Alaska? in the navy?�
i don�t know anyone in Asia (I don�t think)
then it becomes connect the dots.
perhaps the navy one is in Asia.
or could it be Alaska?
then i started thinking how much fun it is to type Alaska
and it was all downhill from there.

i wonder about people.
i like sitting & talking with people.
listening to their stories.
this is part of the reason i like poetry readings.
you get to hear slices of experience.
it�s a give & take thing. a conversation.
i will stop short of saying i�m a �people person�.
i think that just sounds dumb.
we are all people. we are persons.
think about it.

if you want to drop me a note please do.
if not, that�s OK.
like i�ve said before, i�m just curious.
(guest book or at [email protected])
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the tail of my newest tattoos.
yeah yeah, whatever.
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 8 mugs
Cigarettes: 7
Candy: 4 x-mass mints
Now Playing: none (I have a headache)
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�Curiosity killed the cat
satisfaction brought him back.�

-Folk Wisdom