2002-05-17 - 12:22 p.m. -

ok, time for me to beg�

please come to the Java Hut tonight at 6:30 p.m. please please pleeeeeeeeeese!

here is the deal�
i am running a middle school slam tonight & i forgot to have it announced at the reading last week. so as it stands right now, i have no other poets coming down to help me/read/judge/etc. i could use all the help i can get. you could come down & then head to the Frantic Rabbit after (we should be done before 8). i�ll stop begging now.
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speaking of middle schools� did a demo slam at a middle school yesterday. every time i do one of these things i am reminded of just how much i don�t like kids. i love my son, but i hate kids. the more kids there are the more i dislike them. one on one i�m fine, 3 or 4 and i start to twitch, put 100+ in a cafeteria & i reach for the magnum & extra ammo. it�s like a pack of hormone laden wolves with opposable thumbs. i didn�t like kids when i was one. schools are just wildlife parks with paste. we don�t pay teachers enough to deal with that on a day to day basis.
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on the plus side, my sister is taking my son for the night. i have a night off (after 8 p.m.) i can do stuff, i can go places. how cool is that!?! think i�ll go play some video games & buy some Def Lepard tee shirts. hope you all have a good weekend. be well.
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 5 mugs
Cigarettes: 4
Candy: 3 lemon Smints
Now Playing: Green Day �Dookie�
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�Youth lacks, to some extent, experience.�
-Vice President Spiro T. Agnew