2002-07-31 - 2:15 p.m. -

volcanoes are a necessity

eruptions are never a surprise
there is a rumbling first
the ground shakes
low tones in the chest
a deep organ-like sound
that rides up your spine
like a slow train

then there are the cracks�

small fissures at first
growing larger
sometimes hiding just below the surface
steam starts to escape
pressure desperate to disperse
forces openings wider

fact: just before an eruption
birds will stop singing
the world will become very quiet

you will feel the eruption more than hear it

the earth will move like a sea
great rocks will split,
then melt
the sky will darken
ash will come first
like a hot snowfall
you will breath it
it will become part of you

then the lava
rock so hot it melts
the earth becoming liquid
the heat will become unbearable
wood will explode from the rise in temperature
rivers will change course
or disappear all together
evaporate right before your eyes

lava will search for water
try to reach the sea

the sound of lava meeting the cool sea
is like the sound of a long, slow train wreck
metal against metal
a screeching sound
as the lava becomes rock again
the noise can be heard
for miles below the water

then the calm comes

rock cools
water returns
the earth draws inward
the sky clears
the ground stops moving
the birds sing of survival
thank God for wings to fly above

you will be left
with more ground than before
added land extending into the sea
a rock to build on

you will be left with
the lesson that the world
gives & takes in balance
that things made liquid
can be solid again
that the ground does move sometimes
that the birds
will sing again

Please Believe

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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 3 mugs
Cigarettes: 7
Candy: none
Now Playing: none
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�We have deep depth.�
-Yogi Berra