2002-11-13 - 3:09 p.m. -

Which monkey are you?
Another pointless diversion from Bijouriel

this does not surprise me too much.

then there is this one�

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?

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this one gives me a reason to pause�
o.k., that is long enough.

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interesting night last night. real good conversation over dinner, fun at the slam (i took first & was shocked by it), relaxed at home, & got some sleep. been a long time since i�ve had an evening like that.

i have a feature tonight!!
i�m the feature at the Speak reading in Uxbridge center tonight at 7:00 p.m.
it will be at Woodland Spice & Tea, located at the corner of Rt.122 & Rt.16 in Uxbridge. the theme tonight is anger & i know that a few of you have poems about anger, don�t you? come on down & hang out. it should be a fun night (even with the angry poetry).
now, back to the diary entry for today�
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feeling very calm today.
don�t know if it is a good calm or the �calm before the storm� calm, but i�ll take it while it is here. doing what i can to just relax & take things as they happen, rather than get all freaked out over what is coming down the pike. it is hard, but i�m doing my best. right now, all i�m thinking about is my reading tonight & painting tomorrow night. (i think tomorrow will be painting & porn, so if you have any suggestions on movies [or want to lend me some] just let me know. i can only watch so much trash TV before i need a change)

that sounds strange doesn�t it? it is not meant to be.

i paint to whatever is on TV & i find that it has a direct effect on what i�m painting (i can�t have CNN on when i paint or i use too much black). i�ve tried painting to a bunch of different shows & movies & i�m wondering what effect porn will have on the work.

i know, it STILL sounds strange.

at least i�m not out kicking kittens or getting drunk or working for republican party or doing something else anti-social. aww, forget it. i�ll just shut up now.
more silliness tomorrow�
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�and just to show you i�m not taking any of this too seriously�

What kind of porno would you star in?

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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 5 mugs
Cigarettes: 10
Candy: some M&Ms
Now Playing: Operatica: Shine
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�Never say anything on the phone that you wouldn�t want your mother to hear at your trial.�
-Sydney Biddle Barrows

... & one more...

What kind of punk kid are you?

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