2003-01-24 - 3:28 p.m. -

What's your Inner European?

brought to you by Quizilla
i don�t ask�
i just take the quiz & see what happens.

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friday & already i can tell that my weekend is going to be crazy. at least it won�t be boring.

already behind at work & they drop a bombshell on me today. they want to bring in a crew from CBS to film a �behind the scenes� segment about putting a touring exhibit together. that is all fine & good, except that they want to film part of the installed exhibit while they are here.

i don�t even have the walls prepped yet, never mind putting the objects in.

they want to come on tuesday to film. that means that i have to pull together at least part of the exhibit & have it ready to show by tuesday. this is what they call panic time. if it were just paintings or photos this would be easy� paint the walls, hang the pieces, throw in some lights & presto, instant show. does not quite work the same way with full armors.

like i said, at least i won�t be bored.

so my quiet saturday night will now be spent painting cases & installing objects. too much to do & too little time to do it in. good thing i work well under pressure.

in other news�
had a good time in providence last night. ended up helping to host the youth slam & had a ball. was good to just cut loose & shake the place up. nice way to blow off some steam. i need to do that more often. perhaps after this show opens i�ll have some more free time.

tonight is my night to chill out at home. work on some paintings, watch some trash TV, drink a lot of coffee, smoke too much, & enjoy the calm before the storm. do my best to keep warm & dream of spring breezes & full moons.

hope you all have a good weekend.
be well & keep warm.
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 6 mugs
Cigarettes: 8
Candy: some M&Ms
Now Playing: none
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�Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect.�
-Steven Wright