2003-03-25 - 11:18 a.m. -

i know, i know� i�m slacking.
give me a break. it has been a long few days.

spent friday night watching Queer As Folk & starting a new painting. saturday was the start of �bill�s great workout�, aka: moving stuff. spent the morning helping the WCPA move their offices from the second floor to the first floor. 30+ years of stuff including way too many books. we got the move done in an hour & a half. spent the afternoon doing yard work (more on that later). went to gary & melissa�s for the magnetic poetry party saturday night & almost fell asleep in their chair. it was nice to just relax & socialize.

then on sunday, day 2 of moving stuff. spent the whole day swapping furniture around in the apartment & cleaning like crazy. got two rooms rearranged & cleaned, purged a ton of stuff, & vacuumed like a man possessed. started in the morning & finished after 6 at night. plopped my ass on the sofa, watched TV & listened to my back clench up from all the lifting. the weekend was over & i had gotten a lot of stuff done. i was very tired, but feeling productive. it was good.

the migraine kicked in around 3:30am.

woke me out of a dead sleep. took something for it & tried to fall back to sleep but just ended up tossing & turning until the alarm went off. got my son to school & went back home� this was going to be a sick day for me. got to sleep until about 10:30am & then was woken up so the great house cleaning could continue. spent most of the day in sunglasses to ease my very tender eyes. did not start to feel better until the afternoon. did some more yard work with my son & spent the night hanging out with my friend lea watching QAF & playing on the computer. did not get to bed until 2:30am this morning.

& so today i am tired. still feeling the leftovers from the migraine in my eyes & just not very motivated this morning. looking forward to relaxing on the sofa tonight to watch the rest of the QAF tapes before i have to return them tomorrow. also looking forward to spending wednesday night alone with my paints. it has been awhile since i could just relax without feeling like there was something i needed to get done. i can�t wait.
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as for the yard work�
it was nice to get outside & start working in the yard again. i miss seeing green outside my window. it was wonderful to rake the leaves from the flowerbeds & see buds poking up through the earth. i needed to see that rebirth firsthand.

last year i let the gardens go to pot. i did almost no work in the yard & i regretted it. this year i am determined to spend a lot more time with the plants. it is a small (& some would say silly) thing, but there is something amazingly beautiful about the simple act of caring for a garden. this is not something i have always felt, this is something that has (pardon the pun) grown on me over the past few years. i think it is that need to reconnect with living things, to feel like i am a part of the life cycle. that need to see life grow around me. there is something very hopeful in watching a patch of barren earth come alive & bloom right before your very eyes. it makes me want to be able to do the same thing with myself� take the parts of me that are empty & tent to them until life returns. it gives me hope that life will return, even when all you have to work with is hope. it makes me feel like life is possible.

more later.
be well.
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 3 mugs
Cigarettes: 5
Candy: some Smints
Now Playing: none
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�Average voters don�t have access to the knowledge needed for informed judgments.�
-Senator Dan Evans