2003-04-15 - 4:22 p.m. -

quick entry today.
i�m reading at WPI tonight as part of a slam. come on down & say hi. starts at 8pm & it is free.

more tomorrow.
be well.


The quiz that everyone is taking�
1. Recent fad I admit to trying: listening to Dirty Vegas

2. Favorite Actor and Actress: Peter O�Toole & the woman from 5th Element (her name escapes me at the moment� help me here)

3. Favorite Movie: Gandhi, Creator, Dr.Strangelove

4. Greatest Fear: dying alone

5. Favorite TV Show: Iron Chef, Queer as Folk, Junkyard Wars

6. Favorite Singer/Band: way too many� i like The Nightfly Donald Fagen, Dusk by TheThe, Soul Coughing, old Motown, Rain by Peter Mulvey, The Loomers, Sara K, Frente, old school punk� all depends on my mood.

7. If I could only keep one household appliance, it would be: my fridge

8. Something people would be surprised to know about me: i an scared to death about performing on stage.

9. Currently Reading: Pesamists Guide to History, Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproduction

10. Favorite Book: The Moon is Down, The Bible, The Dictionary, the newest poetry book i�ve got

11. Favorite and Least Favorite Food: love- good new England pizza. hate- anything too spicy

12. Favorite Comfort Food: that pizza i just talked about

13. Favorite Song: On The Way Up or Rapture by Peter Mulvey, Way of Praying by Jon Svetkey, Little More Rain by Sara K

14. Favorite Item of Clothing: pair of blue jeans i won in �96

15. Greatest Achievement: today

16. I can imitate: a real person

17. Dream Career: full time artist

18. What I Treasure Most: people who dare to get close

19. First thing I do when I wake up in the morning: hit the snooze alarm

20. Last thing I do before I go to bed: thank God for the day

21. Most Embarrassing Moment: i�ll pass

22. Best Quality: don�t have one

23. Worst Quality: lack of faith in self

24. Biggest Regret: that talk in 1994

25. Something that makes me see red: people who stab me in the back

26. If I could live anywhere, it would be: here, only with more money

27. Celebrity I'm often mistaken for: that b-movie actor from the late 40s who�s name you can�t quite remember

28. What I dislike most about my appearance: my face

29. Cause I most believe in: survival

30. If I had one wish: w would not know what to do with it