2003-05-01 - 2:45 p.m. -

so, got some painting done last night, but nowhere near what i was hoping for. i started one canvas & i like how it is coming, but it was a struggle just to get that done. felt very off my pace & a bit out of my element. wonder if it�s the meds or just spending too much time away from the paints. hoping that i just need to get into the swing of things again. going to try some more tonight. i have a good idea of what i would like to work on & i�m hoping that will help me focus a bit more than i did last night.

on the plus side, it was nice to be able to just sit & paint again. i miss that relaxation, miss being in that �zone�. i get the same feeling when i�m working on a poem & the words just come flowing out. been a long time since i�ve had that happen, but it will come again.


on baby duty again tonight. plus side- can sit & paint. down side- missing the slam in providence again. i really want to get back in the habit of going down for the readings at least twice a month. need to get out more & mingle with the rest of the herd. need to immerse myself in that energy again.

oh well, the next one is in two weeks. try to get out for that one. at least i have something to keep me busy & creative tonight.


hearing a lot of fallout from the slam on sunday. seems like everyone was pissed with the one diva in the slam. i�m doing my best to try & stay neutral (even if i am pissed off to no end) & i�m having mixed emotions about how the other slammers are handling it.

on the one hand, i�m very glad that they are not sinking to the diva�s level. they presented themselves with grace, sportsmanship, & class. i was very proud of the way they handled a very crappy situation.

on the other hand, i wish that they had put the putz in his place & stood up for themselves. there are 9 people in the slam� 8 poets who want to be part of a team from Worcester & one diva who just wants his time in the spotlight & has no interest in anyone except himself.

i hate divas. hate that whole �my poetry dick is bigger than yours� mentality that takes all the art & enjoyment out of this. & i REALLY hate poets who knock the slam while they are in a slam. get over your bad self, asshole. if you hate slam that much then go the fuck home. i�ll give you a list of venues that don�t have slams� you can go to one of them & get out of my hair.

it should be an interesting slam on the 11th. see how the chips fall. see if anyone says anything. see if the diva even shows up. God, my life would be so much nicer if the diva just went away. (as would many other peoples�) all i can do now is sit back & watch. it is interesting if nothing else.


more tomorrow.
as for now, i�m outta here.
be well.


�On the fifth day of Christmas, my cosmic love sent to me; five nervous swamps! Four blessed telepaths, three glass cream cakes, two jewel-encrusted forests and a bust in a Crunchy Frog.
-my Random Surreal Generator


The Low-Fidelity All-Star: he was born with the cool, and it's totally natural.  He runs the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they can ingest as much coffee as he) to the geeky hipster%
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run the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they
can ingest as much coffee as you) to the geeky
hipster (Mario Kart, anyone?).

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