2003-05-29 - 1:25 p.m. -

short entry today.
much going on & very little time to talk about it.

the sun is out. i am happy about this. going to sneak out of work early today just so i can work in the yard before it starts to rain again. God, i need to feel the sun on my skin, if only for a little while.

out at the hut tonight to see a friend�s band play. could be good� could suck like a Hoover� at least it will be interesting (& get me out for a few hours.) could be a chance to disconnect my brain for a few hours. i could use that right now.

i have an unexpected art show at the hut starting in a week. (i was asked to fill a gap in the booking) i�m excited, but i also need to bust my ass in the next few days to get everything ready to put up. at least it is a chance to sell some stuff. (& Lord knows i could use the cash right now)

life is still interesting & it is starting to wear me down again. the smoking is starting to creep back up again (but still in single digits & determined to stay there). starting to feel the moods coming back & hoping i can head it off at the pass before it gets too out of control.

hoping for more sun & warm air.
hoping for warm nights & long drives.
hoping for quiet



more tomorrow.
have a good night.
be well.