2003-07-07 - 12:16 p.m. -

psalm of st. barry

two lovers will hold each other
a bit longer than usual.
a woman will gaze up at the star-filled sky
& miss the green light� twice.

a man will think of his high school sweetheart
for the first time in twenty years
remember the look in her amber eyes
& cry quietly in his beer.

cupid will call in sick
spend the evening restringing his bow
do an extra yoga tape
prepare for the extra work ahead.

love is a bit harder to find.
the sky will look a bit empty
the stars a little dimmer.

your first love
will dance across your dreams
kiss you softly
leave you wistful.

& tonight
a young couple will climb onto the fire escape
enjoy the cool breeze.
he will wrap his arms
gently around her
she will lean in close
rest her head against his chest
listen to his heart beating

& the words will fill his mouth
as if sent from some other place
spill forth quietly to her ear

you are my first
my last
my everything

& they will make love
long into the warm night.

we are measured
by the mark we leave upon this earth.
love is a mark
that will outlast us all.

sleep well, st. barry
your gift lives on.


hope you all had a good weekend.
looking forward to relaxing with my paint & the night sky tonight. may you all find a place of peace that you can call your own.

have a good night.
more tomorrow.

be well.