2003-07-15 - 1:55 p.m. -

Nudity on stage? I think it's disgusting. But if I were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic and a progressive religious experience.
-Shelley Winters


ok, so i never updated last night. mea culpa. my bad. by the time i had a chance to sit & update it was 11pm & i could update the diary or do some yoga & considering how my back is doing i figured that yoga was the better bet. (how is that for a poorly written sentence?)

anyway, it has been a crazy few days. when we last spoke i was heading to an old die factory to scavenge. well, it was out of this world. first of all, the place was huge. put two football fields next to each other, now have three floors that size, now fill almost every square inch (floor to ceiling) with shelves packed with old dies & molds. starting to get the picture? they had dies for everything from small pipefittings to steam train wheels.

the down side being that the place had been unused for years. there were holes in the roof, water everywhere (in some places a foot or more deep) no lights, & everything was covered with black mold. i spent hours on friday just rummaging around looking for oddball stuff to use in art projects. filled my car with all kinds of dies & molds, old paperwork & blueprints, even found some old photos in an office area.

spent most of saturday & sunday cleaning the stuff i brought home. scrubbing it with Simple Green & letting it dry in the sun. lots of the stuff i brought home looked even cooler in the light than it did in the factory. (nothing like wandering around in an old, flooded, falling apart factory covered in mold with nothing but a flashlight to make you realize just how hard you work for your art.)

yesterday morning i went back with my dad�s truck for one more load. (yesterday was the last day to scavenge) filled the truck with some larger pieces including one of the train wheel dies. (i�m thinking of turning it into a headboard for my bed) even with the cleaning last night i still have about 50 pieces that need washing. the plus side being that i have enough stuff for projects to last me until spring.


on i side note, i have to mention just how cool it was to even have the chance to get these pieces. the building is going to be torn down to make way for a new Boy�s Club & a park. (in an area that could really use it, too) the people overseeing the building could have just torn the place down & trashed everything, or they could have just had an antiques dealer come in & buy all the stuff. instead, they put a call out to area artists to come in & help themselves to whatever they wanted. it is not something they had to do & it is sure to cost them money. (they did let auction houses come in at a fee, but only after the artists had been given first shot at the stuff for free) it was nice to see the artists in the city given a chance at the stuff & it was really cool to see the building people getting excited by all the potential they saw in us. to them, the building would live on in our many uses of it�s parts. to us, it was a once in a lifetime chance to gather things we would never have had chance to get & turn them into all kinds of art.

who says there is no room in business for art?


other weekend highlights�

the team feature went very well on saturday. they did a great job, had fun, & raised some more cash for nationals. the place was full & people seemed to enjoy themselves. it was a nice night of poetry & a nice night of hanging out with friends. sometimes the Gods of Cargo reward in abundance.


speaking of hanging out with friends� had a grand old time with lea, gary, becky & the silent one (& later, victor) at the house on friday night. was nice to just be silly & relax with friends. i don�t think i do that enough anymore & i need to change that. board games, marshmallows, & laughter are things i need more of in my life.


been getting into yoga & enjoying it. put together my own workout & finding that i�m already starting to feel better. still stiff after i finish a workout, but my mind is calm afterward. i could sure use to be in better physical shape, but the mental break is much cooler than any physical benefits. lets hope it lasts.


out & about tonight. have to go mow my boss�s lawn tonight. (i offered. she only lives five minutes from me & her landlord pays for it so what the hell.) coffee & relaxing afterward. looking forward to not doing much tonight. i think i�ve done enough the past few days that i can get away with slacking tonight.

hope you all have a good night.
more tomorrow.

be well.