2003-08-04 - 11:20 a.m. -

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning,that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
-Frank Sinatra


by this point tomorrow i�ll be in Chicago. i�m still not excited about it yet� still too much to do between now & 7pm when i get in the van. once i start driving though i know i�ll be excited.

i think this trip will be good for me. i�ve been talking about this week being a reset button for me & already i can feel myself starting to get in that mind frame. had a great night last night all around & that helped start the mental shift for me. slept more deeply than i had in weeks & i�m feeling like the gloom in my soul is finally starting to lift. lets hope this is the start of good things to come.


interesting opportunity presented itself last night & it is something for me to consider while i�m driving. a friend is moving in november & offered up her apartment when she leaves. good rent, good schools, nice area� in cincinnati.

in the past, i�ve been of two minds when talking about moving to ohio� one part is excited about the idea of change, the chance to start over in a new place. the other side has always been hesitant to move because i have so much invested in where i am now. my whole live to this point is based in this area.

but last night it felt good to think about moving. i did not feel that fear of change. it felt good to consider the possibilities. i don�t know what will happen, but it is nice to feel comfortable with the idea. perhaps the time is right for this & part of my resetting will involve moving. who knows. but it is refreshing to realize that i�m not fighting the idea & in many ways embracing it.

so i�ll see what there is for me out there. i�m guessing that there is not much call for an arms & armor conservator so i see a career change in my future if i move. ya know, i�ve always thought about getting into stripping�


The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.

don�t know how often i�ll be able to update this over the next week. i�ll do my best to post something just to let you know how it is going. you can also check out the NPS website or the poets� asylum website for updates on the worcester team.

hope you all have a good week.
i�ll post as i can.

be well.