2003-08-18 - 3:32 p.m. -

monday monday� blah.

still sick but starting to feel a bit better. don�t have strep, but i do have a nice throat mess that will require 14 days of meds to take care of. oh, what joy.

so, the big news is that the hut has been sold. met with the new owner last night & he seems inclined to leave the poetry alone. it is good news, but i�m still being careful until i know for sure. we have been there for six years & i would like to stay� see what the future brings.

not going to write much today. feeling better, but still dragging. need to go get the boy & head on home soon so i�ll stop where i am.

i�ll post much more tomorrow.
hope you all have a good night.

be well.