2003-08-20 - 3:16 p.m. -

tired but doing well today. feeling better despite the knot under my shoulder blade. ah, such is life.

had a good time hanging out with an old friend of mine last night. it has been years since we�ve had a chance to just sit & talk. spent last night doing just that� just shooting the shit & catching up on the past six years. one of the more relaxing evenings i�ve had in a while (but they seem to be happening more often now.) it was nice to reconnect & catch-up, nice to realize that the friendship is still there after so much time.

sometimes life is just good to you that way.


spent the morning in meetings. there are parts of my job that i just love. meetings are not one of those parts. took everything in me not to fall asleep in the middle of it. God bless coffee.


spending tonight with my friend lea rebuilding my hard drive. well, to be more exact, lea will be rebuilding my hard drive while we talk & i make coffee.

in her words, she will be making my computer �her bee-itch�.

lea has this way with computers� she waves the chicken bones & gives the hard drive the evil eye & things just start working again. i am amazed when people can do things like that. there are very few things that i am good at & i have a healthy respect for people who can raise certain talents to an art. i feel that way about my writing; i think i�m in a groove� then i read sou or tony or one of thirty other people who rock my world & think, �well, i�ve got a lot of work to do.�

it is not a bad thing. hey, most people i know can�t clean an armor to save their lives. we all have talents, the key is knowing what your talents are & then doing something with them.

now me, i like to write, but i have a talent for hosting & cleaning armor & drinking coffee. if i could get those things to make me money i would be golden.


time to call it a day.
hope you all have a good night.
more tomorrow.

be well.


ohmyGod!!! someone stole my idea & i can�t stop laughing. very silly. (but i�m happy with the result)

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