2003-08-22 - 1:18 a.m. -

rough day but a good night.

hard dreams last night & a wobbly start to the morning. phones went down at work & a headache that was doing it�s best to become a migraine. left early & came home to take some meds & a nap.

dream of pain. pulsing in my head keeping me turning & thinking of ugly things happening. my car keeps crashing through the guardrail & falling off the bridge. i can feel the impact, steering wheel shattering my teeth over & over again.

wake with a start & stumble to the sink to soak my head. every time my heart beats i can feel it in my skull. fall back into bed & pray for relief or death.

dream of water. floating just below the surface & taste of salt on my lips. i know the headache is going away & i can feel the pain receding. i can hear a seagull overhead & i rise to the surface.

late afternoon spent feeling better but very much off my pace. the �calmer & happier� shell shows some major cracks & i can feel all my bad parts starting to spill out. do what i can to hold myself together & end up doing a piss-poor job of it. curse myself for being an asshole. take the long way to a meeting & do my best to downshift my mind.

productive meeting. relax after with too much coffee & mindless talk. run some late-night errands & head home. the house is quiet & calm, like wrapping myself in an old sweater on a cool spring day. i am grateful for things like this.

tomorrow is a new day.

hope you all have a good day.

be well.