2003-08-25 - 3:02 p.m. -

view from the seabed

fire flashes beneath the surface
flecks of color shimmering
among the waves & sand
dip fingers into brine
remove found beauty

sea change transforms trash into treasure
discarded merriment
shattered against rock
becomes a keepsake
when crafted by currents

nature has a gift
for turning our disgraces
into something worth retrieving
reminds us that not everything tossed away
is worthless

as a child
i remember spending hours
wandering the cliff base
small fingers
reaching between barnacle encrusted rocks
searching for sea glass
amazed & excited
by the vibrant colors

perhaps someday i will find myself
worn smooth
free of sharp edges
vibrant & shimmering

perhaps someday
i will be worth finding


It is the friends that you can call at 4 a.m. that matter.
-Marlene Dietrich


busy weekend full of ups & downs.
i�ll try to get to it all at some point this week but no guarantees.

hope all of you had a good weekend.
have a good night
more tomorrow.

be well.