2003-08-22 - 2:59 p.m. -

friday & the night can�t come fast enough for me.

yellowjackets took over the back steps at work� a very large nest under the cement, right next to the door. the exterminator came to spray & ended up getting trapped by the swarm. 7 or 8 bites & a dive over the railing later, the nest is quiet. the few not caught in the hive drift away. without a hive to go home to they will wander until they die.

**insert personal insights here**


still trying to fill the cracks from yesterday & failing.

realizing that, despite the fact that i have one of the coolest jobs in the world, i need to find a new job. overtime has been cut, budgets cut, workload increased, major travel over the next five years & the general feeling that i�m being left behind. the trouble being that there is almost no call for an arms& armor conservator, so i�m looking at changing careers� a fun prospect when you don�t have a piece of paper to cover your ass.

if this were 10 years ago i would just say �fuck it� & go slop coffee somewhere while i re-grouped. but leaving means no health insurance, no life insurance, no benefits & no pay. that is fine for me� but it is not just me anymore, so i need to go about this a different way & i don�t know what that way is yet. did a job search & found that i can rent out cars in mew mexico, work a hotel in texas, or sling plates in ohio. not bad for almost 400 job listings.

there are times i feel like i�ve built a beautiful box, made of wishful thinking & pipe dreams, & now i�m trapped in it.


Our comedies are not to be laughed at.
-Samuel Goldwyn


hoping for a quiet night tonight. catch up on some email, perhaps paint or write a bit. going to do my best to just recharge & get my head back together. had a good roll going there as far as trying to stay upbeat. going to try to get back on track with it & not let life�s curveballs throw me for a loop. the only way i�m going to get anywhere is by being hopeful & not loosing it. lets hope it works.


hope you all have a good weekend.
stay cool & enjoy.

be well.