2003-08-27 - 3:01 p.m. -

Now I know why I�m here. Not for a closer look at the moon, but to look back at our home, the Earth.
-Astronaut Alfred Worden, Apollo 15.


busy day. dropped everything to install a case, only to have people piss & moan about the color. ended up repainting it less than an hour after installing it. now, i have no trouble with people thinking that it needed to be repainted, but to jump on it seconds after it has just been installed was a bit too much. just what i need in life, more back-seat drivers.

spent the whole day looking forward to getting out. home tonight & looking forward to just relaxing. clear up my email & perhaps even watch a movie or **gasp** paint. there are times when i really need that quiet time alone to just relax & recharge myself. i find that, even when i�m in a relaxing environment, it is hard for me to relax when there are other people around. on the flipside of that, there are also times when i hate being alone & sometimes i have trouble defining the two.

part of my search for balance is trying to find the middle ground between the two. i�m finding that small groups of friends tend to fill that middle a lot of the time. perhaps i just need to socialize on a small scale more & avoid the big gatherings. perhaps i�m just pulling all of this out of my ass as a way to justify when i�m being moody rather than dealing with the larger issues that are the root of my moods. perhaps i just need to get my ass back on the meds. perhaps i just need to suck it up & stop bitching so much. perhaps i use perhaps too much. i don�t know.

just kind of grasping at straws here. in a sad mood with no real reason to be. wondering why this happens, what triggers it & what i can do to change it. there are days when i can just �snap out of it� & be fine. there are other days when the moods kick my ass & i end up getting on everyone�s nerves. it is a riddle i just can�t seem to solve. i think i�ll blame the government.

ok, enough navel gazing for one day. time to get my ass in gear & head on home.

hope you all have a good evening.
(& don�t forget to go to look at Mars tonight.)
more tomorrow.

be well.


just because i can�

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