2003-08-28 - 2:48 p.m. -

lets start with this little bit of silly news. one of my favorite magazines is doing a swimsuit issue. i find this very funny. (pick it up from your local newsstand.)


not much to say today. in a better mood but still off my pace. may try to get out tonight to just write & relax, or i may just end up relaxing at home. not really planning anything over the weekend, just playing it by ear between now & the reading on sunday. there is a level of comfort in knowing that there is very little that i have to do for the next few days.

may take this weekend to get some work done around the yard. been slacking in my yard work & it shows. it is far from a big deal, but it does bother me when the yard & garden start to look unkempt. with fall fast approaching i want to get a jump on it before i end up spending half the spring catching up on what i should have taken care of now. then again, if we end up moving during the winter, it will all be a moot point. this is when Murphy�s Law kicks in� if i take care of the yard, we�ll move before spring� if i don�t, we won�t.

aw, fuckit. maybe i�ll just go bowling.

i�m just rambling now� time to call it a day.
hope you all have a good night.

be well.


don�t know how to feel about this one�

How Do You Rate?

then again, we knew this already�

How does your job rate?