2003-12-05 - 3:08 p.m. -

so, someone hit my car while it was parked at work. it was parked on the street & someone backed into it. now, i�m an understanding person, but how do you not see a car behind you when backing up in broad daylight & how far out of a parking spot do you need to back up to hit my parked car? (answer: at least 20�)

so, i�m pissed.

yeah, the person who hit the car left their phone number (& no answer yet), but still� it looks like they just backed straight into the side of the car without even looking. (i don�t think they even touched the breaks) **sigh** not how i wanted to end the week.

big snow storm coming. they are calling for somewhere between 6� & 20�. who knows what we will get. it is new england & winter� snow happens. i plan on sitting back, drinking lots of coffee & watching the snow fall. i�m leaving for florida on sunday (business trip) so, as long as my flight is on time, i�m not going to get bent out of shape about the storm. hell, spring is only four months away.

i�ll post more later.
hope you all have a good night.

be well.

not the answer i was expecting.
(then again, i don�t know what i expected. perhaps R.U.S.)

You are Fezzik, the warm hearted giant from
Greenland. You have a gift for rhyme and the
strength of five men. People call you stupid,
and you often believe it yourself, but when
things go wrong you always work out the best
thing to do.

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