2003-12-11 - 12:09 p.m. -

i�m back.
trip to florida was very strange. (getting there was beyond strange) i�ll make a long post tonight with all the details� as for now, i�m glad to be home.

two quick things before i split�

first, check out this web site. (takes a few moments to load but well worth it.)

second, today is sou�s birthday!! wish her a happy happy if you see her.

lastly, what would an entry be without something from quizilla�

gender nazi
You are a Gender Nazi. Your boundary-crossing
lifestyle inspires awe in your friends and
colleagues. Or maybe they're just scared you
will kick their asses for using gender-specific
language. Either way, the wife-beater helps.

What kind of postmodernist are you!?
brought to you by Quizilla

more later tonight.
hope you are having a good week.

be well.