2003-12-19 - 3:59 p.m. -

back to the online quizzes for a moment�

gonzo jpeg
You are Gonzo the Great.

You love everyone, and still you get shot out of a
cannon on a regular basis. Oh, and you are
completely insane and have a strange
fascination for chickens.

ALSO KNOWN AS: The Great Gonzo, Gonzo the Great, Just Plain Weird
SPECIES: Whatever
HOBBIES: Tapdancing blindfolded on tapioca while balancing a piano on his nose, backwards, five times fast.
FAVORITE MOVIE: "From Here to Eternity...with no brakes."
FAVORITE TV SHOW: "Touched By An Anvil"
QUOTE: "No parachute? Wow! This is so cool!"

then i took it again�

animal jpeg
You are Animal.

You are completely nuts, but fun to be around.

SPECIAL TALENTS: Drums, Women, Food.
HOBBIES: Drums, Women, Food.
FAVORITE EXPRESSIONS: "Louder!", "Food now!" and
"Want Woman!"
LAST BOOK EATEN: "The Musicians' Guide to Drums, Women & Food"

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

make of it what you will.

Happy Hanukkah & a Merry Solstice everyone!!
i plan on celebrating it by stuffing myself silly on the world�s best potato latkes & matzo ball soup. (the things i missed growing up in a non-jewish household.)

looking forward to the weekend. hoping to keep this cold in check, rest my back & get some sleep. had a fun time at the youth slam last night. lea was wonderful & lots of people came out to listen & read. relaxed at the hut after & had a nice laid-back evening. hoping i can do that again sooner rather than later.

the book is starting to fall into place. hoping to get all the editing done this weekend. that would give me a week to lay it out & print it. knowing the way i operate i�ll most likely be putting the thing together the night before my feature. rather not, but we�ll just have to wait & see how it goes.

more to say but it is time to go get the boy & head on home. i�ll update this weekend at some point. (no, really i will� really)

don�t forget the worcester poetry slam semi-finals are this sunday. come on down & catch the show. click on the Poets� Asylum banner for more info & directions. it is also the reading before x-mass, so it is time for the annual reading of A Wish For Wings That Work. come join the fun (or at least to hear some poetry & drink lots of coffee)

hope you all have a good weekend.
more later.

be well.

& one more...

You're Afghanistan!
In the words of Bob Dylan, you "haven't known peace and quiet in so long [you] don't remember what it's like!"  Sad but true.  Boss after boss has led you around, using you for their nefarious purposes, and dumping you when the time was right.  You've hurt and been hurt and now you're just sick and tired.  When will people leave you alone and let you do your own thing?  But you don't really even know what you want anymore.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid