2004-01-12 - 3:49 p.m. -

well, it warmed up as the snow moved in. it will get colder again as the snow leaves, then warm up again with the next snowstorm.

welcome to winter in new england.

started the day with a two-hour delay for the schools� just long enough for the boy to realize that he did not really want to go to school. this resulted in him having a meltdown when i dropped him off. hoping that he�ll be in a better mood when i pick him up.

did some very brief apartment hunting this weekend� just enough to realize that we are better off staying where we are for now & doing what we can to maximize the space. the next few days will all be about how to get the most space out of what little room we have. i see shelving units in my future� & storage bins� & paint� & a dumpster. think of it as a poor-man�s Clean Sweep. (the boy has been told that if he ever sees the Clean Sweep truck on our street to go flag them down & bring them to our house. no, i�m not joking)

i�m getting excited about the idea of redoing the house. i see it a cool challenge & a chance to have a whole new space without the moving truck or added rent. besides, the idea of moving in the winter gives me chest pains. (did it once, not doing it again.)

There are answers in music. Poems and music about our problems and situations are good for us to hear- how other people react to the same problems and live through them and survive. This is all put in songs; I guess the history of the whole world is in songs and poems.
-Willie Nelson

just had a load of work BS dumped in my lap. stupid assholes who have spent too much time living in a cube farm & have long since forgotten how to interact with the rest of the human population should not try to get all corporate with me. this is a fucking armory, asshole� don�t make me go medieval on your ass. aaaarrrggghhh, pisses me off.

deep breath� relax� calm down�

much better.

time for me to get out of here before i take a sword to the phone. hope you all have a good evening. more later.

be well.

Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and

Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
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