2004-01-09 - 3:47 p.m. -

javabill�s 10 useless facts meme

1. when looking at armor, the hook on the right side of the breastplate is called a lance rest.

2. abbie hoffman, elizabeth bishop & dennis leary are all from Worcester

3. the longer you roast coffee the less caffeine it will have

4. the hyoid (located in the throat) is the only bone not connected to another bone

5. putting butter on a burn (an old folk cure) is one of the worst things you can do

6. all of the wild things in where the wild things are have names

7. one way to tell the age of an armor is to look at the feet. gothic armors have pointed toes, maxamilian armors have wide toes.

8. an average full armor weighs about 60 lbs.

9. coffee with cream will stay warmer longer than black coffee

10. the pouch (often fur covered) worn in front of a kilt is called a sporran

ok, now it is your turn� post your list of 10 useless facts that you know.

it is cold & it is only going to get colder tonight. �5 degrees last night, -15 tonight. at least i don�t have to shovel cold.

been a busy week at work & i am looking forward to the weekend. going to a friend�s house tonight for games & way too much cheese. don�t know what is in the works for tomorrow, but no big plans. just hoping to take it easy & stay warm.

i�ll try to post something over the weekend. hope you all have a good weekend & keep warm. more later.

be well.

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