2001-11-07 - 2:53 p.m. -

they say that watching goverment at work
is like watching sausage being made

if that is the case then watching a non-profit arts
board try to get somthing done is like choking on a
sausage after watching it being made

not only do you think that you are going to die
but you can't believe that you will die in such a
stupid way with such a vile taste in your mouth

and people wonder why poets drink


from the folks at Car Talk


but we know that Knowledge is Power

but since Time is Money

Work=Knowledge X Money

and as Money goes down
Knowledge must go up

for any given level of work
the more you know
the less you get paid

Today's Stats

Coffee Count: 4 mugs

Cigarettes: 5

Candy: 1 DumDum Pop

Now Playing: Lyle Lovett & his Large Band


"Look I understand too little too late
I realize there are things you say and do
You can never take back
But what would you be if you didn't even try
You have to try
So after a lot of thought
I'd like to reconsider
If it's not too late
Make it a cheeseburger"

-Lyle Lovett "Here I Am"


if anyone knows html PLEASE tell me why
i keep getting line breaks where i don't want them
[email protected]