2001-11-09 - 5:53 p.m. -

my son is acting very 2 this week
my wife is half a step away from selling him to the circus
she wants to work on her book
he wants to take the house apart
piece by piece.
he is at my sister�s house for the weekend
my wife is at a coffeehouse working on her book
I am still at work avoiding both of them until they calm down.

yes, I am a coward
but I still have all my limbs.

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what is the difference between a poet & a puppy?

A puppy stops whining after 6 weeks.

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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 8 mugs
Cigarettes: 14
Candy: 3 DumDum Pops
Now Playing: the vent fan in my office/lab


"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now
only much much better."
-Laurie Anderson