2002-01-15 - 2:05 p.m. -

cold & wet.
it is cold & wet outside.

is it just me or is everyone having a bad week?
seems like all hell is breaking loose.
everyone i know is sick or in a bad mood
or washing their poetry or getting screwed over
or all of the above & then some.
what is going on?
this year is only 15 days old.
it should not be this crappy this soon.
and to top it all off it is cold & wet outside.
grumble grumble mutter mutter.

well, it could be worse.
it could be snowing.
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who thought eating lobster was a good idea?
i love lobster, but�
look at them. do they look appetizing?
no. they look like big sea bugs. and they are.
who was the first person to think�
�ya know that crawly thing with all the legs and the big claws?
I think I�ll eat it.�

makes no sense to me.
same thing with crabs. especially king crabs.
giant hard-shelled spiders.
yum yum. gotta get me some of that.

and don�t even get me started on blowfish.
any food that i run a 50% chance of dying from
is not something i would consider a �delicacy�.
sounds like a good way to thin the herd.
get rid of all those macho food freaks.
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speaking of macho�
i just came in from working on a co-worker�s car.
had to use the torch on it.
whenever i do something like that i get this
macho testosterone rush. it�s dumb but i can�t help it.

i think every guy gets it.
they pick up a belt sander & next thing you know
they are ready to refinish the whole street.
it gets really bad for me at work.
i work with anvils, hammers, torches, saws, drills,
and tools most men would kill to use.
i tend to be fairly non-macho but working a piece
of steel on the anvil, fire-hammering it into shape,
just brings out the Bubba in me.
damn DNA.

to make matters worse, i also work with weapons.
swords & guns & armor & shields.
it�s testosterone to the nth degree.
there are days i want to run through the museum
waving a sword over my head screaming �I AM IRON MAN!!�

OK, too much information.
i think i�ve fried a microchip in my head.
God i need a vacation.
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 7 mugs
Cigarettes: 8
Candy: aprox. 30 M&Ms
Now Playing: none
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�It may be that your sole purpose in life
is simply to serve as a warning to others.�
