2002-11-27 - 9:23 p.m. -

day 2 & i want to be anywhere but here.
first real quiet time i�ve had since arriving here. too much stress & no where enough release. i�d give my right arm to have my paints & a few canvases here right now. (or to be home with them)

yeah, they bill this area as a great vacation spot. they LIE LIE LIE!! (then again, most people don�t come here to spend time with the family so perhaps they are not completely full of it� but damn close.)
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welcome to florida�
land of natural beauty covered over with cement, billboards, & strip malls. where Hooters is a good choice for dinner & guys in their 40s can tell you where the "best" ones are & what night to go. This is the land owned & run by the big rat & everyone is obsessed with looks & money.

there is too much neon here.
there are too many football teams.
"Jesus Christ is Lord of Greater Orlando" covers the outfield fence of the little league field, right next to the ads for the mattress store & the local package store.
most of the indoor plants are fake.
there are more tanning shops here than in new england.

this state is having a water shortage.
this state does not shower enough.
the true artists rent space in self-storage sheds so that they can do their thing in peace.
the locals put "I�m proud to be American" stickers on their import cars & don�t see the contradiction.

a giant 3D billboard of ET with moving eyes looks down on I4 like a new-age big brother & the sight of that with the bumper to bumper traffic & neon lined office buildings just kinda says it all, really.

welcome to florida�
paper or plastic?

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hope you all have a good turkey day.
don�t eat too much.
more tomorrow.
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� & now, for something completely different�
*H4Y T4K3 D1S K3WL KW1Z!!!!*

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�& one more for the night�
What's your sexual appeal?

brought to you by Quizilla
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 14 mugs
Cigarettes: 17
Candy: some TicTacs
Now Playing: none
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"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
-George Moore