2003-02-26 - 3:40 p.m. -

looking forward to a quiet night. (i know� what a shock)
sou has a feature out at Speak tonight (you should go) & i plan on trying to get the �new� computer to work. yeah, last night was a dud. found out that the computer does not have a modem card only after spending an hour trying to get it to connect. this is why i don�t work in a high-tech job. got a modem card today & i�m going to try to put it in tonight. (if you hear a loud BOOM from the Worcester area it is just me) wish me luck.

still tired form the other night. i go to bed but just can�t get rested. restless even when i close my eyes. i sleep, but dreams leave me feeling tired when i wake. guess i picked the wrong week to give up sniffing glue.

i need to start packing up to leave.
hope you all have a good night.
be well.
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 5 mugs
Cigarettes: 8
Candy: none
Now Playing: the news
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�Liberals feel unworthy of their possessions� conservatives feel they deserve everything they�ve stolen.�
-Mort Sahl
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