
2003-03-11 - 3:50 p.m. -

real short entry today.
not feeling great today. didn�t sleep well last night & paying for it today. been fighting a headache & my back is killing me. need to just go home & relax.

hoping i can grab a nap when i get home. sleep for an hour & try to reset my buttons. what i would not give for a good nights sleep, a warm meal, some good sex, & a cup of dark roast coffee right now. or any one off the list.

i�ll try to post later.
be well.
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 6 mugs
Cigarettes: 7
Candy: none
Now Playing: the news
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�The cup of our trouble is running over, but, alas, is not yet full.�
-Sir Boyle Roche
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