2003-03-13 - 3:59 p.m. -

hey, its snowing out.
this never happens.
not in march� in new england.
no. never never never.

yeah, right. whatever.
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got myself a mood ring from the gift shop the other day. so far it has been on the mark since i put it on. i�m finding its a good way to warn me when i�m starting to get a little too unsettled even before i feel it. (& it looks cool too) i know, it is very goofy & a little too 70�s, but mostly harmless & for $2.00 it is cheep entertainment.

the ring reminds me of when i tried a biofeedback machine in my late teens. i was under amazing stress at the time & was having migraines that would have killed a horse. (sometimes lasting two weeks a pop) i had ended up in the ER for the third or fourth time in a month when my neurologist suggested trying biofeedback to reduce my stress (& therefore my migraines). i was willing to try anything (& by the time i was 25, i think i had tried everything) so i brought the machine home to give it a shot. it looked like an answering machine with two clips attached to it. one went on my chest & one on my finger. it emitted a tone that increased in pitch the more stressed a person got. the idea was to relax, focus on the tone & try to lower the pitch as much as you could.

it all looked so good on paper.

when i started getting another migraine i hooked myself up to this thing & gave it a shot. the tone cut right through my head & sent my stress level through the roof. i closed my eyes & tried the relation & breathing techniques that my doctor had shown me.

the tone did not change.

i changed the way i was laying & tried again. the tone was making my brain turn to mush & the pounding was starting to get worse. i took some deep breaths & closed my eyes.

the pitch got higher.

this went on for a good half an hour & the only thing that happened was that my head got a lot worse & the tone kept getting higher & higher until every dog in the area & i were both howling in pain. i wanted to scoop my own eyes out with a spoon. finally i reached my breaking point.

i smashed the machine until it stopped.

as soon as the tone stopped i could feel all my stress drain out of my body. i lay back on my bed & fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. i did not wake up for almost a full day.

so, i guess it did work after all.

time to wrap up work.
off to the hut tonight to see my favorite jewish cowboy & drink too much coffee.
have a good night.
be well.
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Today�s Stats
Coffee Count: 6 mugs
Cigarettes 12
Candy: some mints
Now Playing: none
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�Keep a stiff upper chin.�
-Samuel Goldwyn