2003-03-13 - 11:01 a.m. -

i�ll post a real entry later.
as for now� i was wondering�.

coffee mountain
You are LIGHT / DARK MOUNTAIN BLUE! You are the
perfect coffee, regardless of someone's tastes
for light or dark caffeinated liquid. There is
not a person on the planet who can resist you,
and as a heroic example to all other coffee's,
you should direct your potent energies towards
destroying the influence of Jacobs' Ebony upon
your Realm. You are dark and brooding, yet
attractive beyond your wildest dreams. Believe

� then i got carried away�
Which Coffee Are You?
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You're a regular Joe!
You're a regular cup of joe! You have no confusion
when you go to Starbucks, you know what you
want before you get in the door. In fact, you
might not even go to Starbucks at all.

What coffee type beverage are you?
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You're a Classic Cup 'O' Joe.
You're a Classic Cup 'O' Joe!

What Kind of Coffee are You?
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You are drip coffee. You are practical, business-
like and hands-off, except for when your
'machine' needs 'servicing' and 'cleaning'.

What Kind of Coffee Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Black Coffee- You can be bitter, but still alot of
people like you, your always bright in the
morning and ready to give people a good start

What kind of Coffee are you??
brought to you by Quizilla

You are cafe latte... foamy and milky. You like
things to stay the same and comfort is
important to you.

What type of coffee are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Espresso! As an espresso, you are incredibly hyper and can't go a day without it because you're practically addicted if not already!!! Has anyone ever said obsessive?!

What kind of coffee are you? (pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
so there you go. make of it what you will.