2003-04-17 - 1:33 p.m. -

the in-laws will be here in 4 hours.



i love my in-laws, they can just be a bit� intense at times. can�t say that we are their idea of a dream family� a couple of starving artists who put dreams before dollars. we�re broke but making cool art & raising our son to be an artist.

can you see where the trouble could start?

my father-in-law is a very smart businessman who has started, run, & sold several successful businesses. he has the knack for taking an idea & turning it into gold. he also thinks of poetry, writing, & music as good hobbies.

i think of business as a good hobby.

they will want to know our plans & i don�t even know what i want for lunch, never mind what i want to be when i grow up. but they will get to spend time with their grandson & daughter & get to see the in-laws so, all in all, things will be fine.

but it still feels like the calm before the storm.

last time we saw them was rough. it was at thanksgiving & things did not go smoothly. a lot of things got brought to the forefront & we left on a less then pleasant note. there has been a lot of talking between then & now, but the tension is still in the air. i�m hoping that things will have worked themselves out so that this can be a good visit for everyone. think good thoughts.


with that in mind, please remember that
daily mouse is playing at moonstruck coffeehouse tomorrow night!!. you NEED to be at this show or you will regret it forever. go to the daily mouse website for all the info. sou�s mom will be there (& her dad may come too) so go & say hi to her folks. the more the merrier. squeak.


got a ton of email done last night. still have more to go, but at least i feel like i�ve got a handle on it now. would have rather spent the night painting but perhaps i�ll do that on friday night when everyone is at the daily mouse show. or i could just catch a nap. we�ll see.


still have the strong-box to deal with so i should get back to work. more later.

be well


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