2004-03-22 - 11:51 a.m. -

Take the quiz: "The Wildest, Craziest, Most Massive Quiz Ever!"

An Awesome Austrian Australopithicus
Omigawd! I survived the biggest, wildest quiz on the internet!

I thought it would never end! Now I am posting this Tongue-Twisting result to dare you to take it.

Can you survive it?

Take the quiz: "Which Playing Card Are You?"

The Queen of Hearts
Loving, caring, but sometimes Vain, You are the Queen of Hearts.

Take the quiz: "Blades!"

Ritual Dagger
You have a spiritual sense of ritual significance in your actions. You are deliberate and divine.

Take the quiz: "Which American City Are You?"

Your dark exterior masks a caffeine driven activism. You'll take up a cause and you'll get ugly to advance it.